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Customer Stories


06 Jul 2024 0 Comments

This story was kindly shared by our community member, Sara Toral Reig. You can follow their inspiring journey on Facebook.

The Beginning of Change

After experiencing such a different year as 2020, I decided to try out what my daughter's feet felt wearing barefoot shoes, needing to verify for myself everything I had read about this type of footwear and what my daughter had explained to me.

It has been three years since then, three years of the best change I could make for the health of my feet.

From Conventional to Comfortable: Personal Experience

I never used to wear high heels, only occasionally and for a short time. I always carried with me a pair of flat and comfortable shoes (at least that's how I saw them before).

When I first tried on a pair of Saguaro sneakers, I knew what truly comfortable flat shoes were. What I had always believed to be comfortable was not at all.

The feeling I had the first time I stepped into my Saguaros was literally like walking barefoot, and my toes had great space, not cramped at all; I could move them freely inside the sneakers. Although those toe-shaped caps looked strange, it didn't matter, I knew there was no turning back, from that moment they became my everyday footwear.

That same year (2021), I switched all my conventional footwear for barefoot shoes that respected my feet.

Expansion of Barefoot Shoes and Brand Growth

Over the past three years, I have seen how barefoot shoes have increasingly reached more people, both children and adults.

Gradually, more stores are betting on this footwear. When I bought my first Saguaros, I did it through Amazon, it was the only place where I could find them. Today, in addition to their website, you can find them in several stores specialized in barefoot shoes.

The brand itself has grown significantly, expanding its offer with many different models while retaining its iconic toe-capped sneakers.

Influence on the Next Generation: Children's Choice

My daughter started with other brands of barefoot shoes but always asked for sneakers like mine. When I bought her a pair for the first time, they immediately became her favorite sneakers for school, for running, jumping, climbing trees... She has already gone through several pairs of Saguaros, and today they are her sneakers for physical education classes at school, and each day you see more boys and girls at her school wearing Saguaros. No wonder, they are really comfortable.

Durability and Loyalty: Long-term Satisfaction

Because of their features and easy accessibility, they have become the first barefoot shoe for many people, that first pair you buy with a thousand doubts swirling in your head, wondering if you will like the feeling of walking barefoot, if you will adapt to the change...

As soon as you try them, all those doubts disappear, and you start to really feel with your feet, those feet that have been mistreated for years with rigid shoes, thick soles, narrow toe caps... they finally feel free and gradually recover from many years of torture.

For all these reasons, Saguaro is often recommended to newcomers to barefoot footwear.

Curiously, the two pairs I bought in 2021 still look like new after three years of use, several washes in the washing machine... they still have a long way to go. During this time, I have tried other models of Saguaro and must say that I am equally satisfied with my purchase, they have not disappointed me, and I will continue to trust Saguaro for the future of my feet.

My words about Saguaro can only be of gratitude for achieving the change that my feet and my family's feet needed. Thank you, Saguaro, forever grateful.

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